2025 artsIQ Summer Workshops
Registration Fee:
$150 for Footlights
$200 for artsIQ
$150 SpongeBob Jr. ($100 discount for participants in the 2025 artsIQ workshop)
Footlights – Ages 7-9 (9 a.m.-12:30 a.m. and all day Friday), culminating in a small showcase performance on Friday evening, July 18, at the church
artsIQ Workshop – Ages 10-18 (9 a.m.-3 p.m. each day)
First Church of the Nazarene / Gymnasium and Education Center, 807 Coshocton Avenue, Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Students will attend core classes in the mornings focused on acting, singing, and choreography. Elective classes will be held in the afternoons on a variety of topics, including makeup, props, tech (sound/lighting), scenery/set, costumes, and more.
A list of instructors will be available soon!
Auditions for the artsIQ performance of “SpongeBob Jr.” will NOT be part of the summer workshops. Auditions will be held separately on Saturday, July 19, and workshop participants are not guaranteed a part in the show. Audition time TBA.
Sign up for our newsletter for the audition announcement.